Three easy steps to your Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit.
Don't be fooled by "Permitless Cary". A permit IS required for out of State carry.
The Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit is recognized by 38 states.
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Step One..
Complete Our Online Course
Step Two...
Visit Full Service DMV
Step Three...
Check your mailbox!
Open to all Tennessee Residents 18+ yrs of age
You must be a resident of Tennessee 18 years of age or older, to qualify for the Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit, or, have Military orders stationing you in Tennessee as your permanent duty station.
Pause and Resume Feature
This course takes 90 minutes to complete, not including the final exam. You may pause, and resume the course from where you left off as many times as needed. You will have access to complete this course for one full year from the purchase date of the online class.
Multi Device Compatible
Take this course on your Desktop computer, Laptop, Tablet, or even your smart phone! You can pause and resume between devices! Just be sure you are using an updated web browser.
Meet the Instructor
John McConnell, owner of Clarksville Guns & Archery is your State of Tennessee Certified Handgun Safety Instructor for this online class.
John's Qualifications:
- State of Tennessee Certified Handgun Carry Permit Instructor
- State of Tennessee Approved Online Handgun Safety Course Instructor (Concealed Carry Permit)
- NRA Certified Pistol Instructor
- NRA Certified Rifle Instructor
- NRA Certified Shotgun Instructor
- NRA Certified Personal Protection in the Home Instructor
- NRA Certified Refuse to be a Victim Instructor
- United States Marine Corps Veteran
This course is available State Wide for Tennessee Residents!
This course covers the following topics:
1.  Firearms Safety Rules.
2. Handgun Features (Nomenclature).
3. Handgun Uses and Techniques.
4. Handgun Knowledge and Skills for Safe Handling.
5.  Safe Storage of Firearm and Ammunition.
6. Safe Transportation and Safe Storage Methods In Vehicles.
7.  Safe Handgun Cleaning Instruction.
8.  Current Tennessee Law on Carrying Handguns.
Upon course completion, you'll be awarded your certification required by the State of TN for your Concealed Carry Permit.
Course Curriculum
- Laws Relating to Carry Permits
- Federal Transportation Guidelines (0:59)
- Firearms in Vehicles in TN (Without Carry Permit) (0:30)
- Firearms in Parking Lots (with permit) (0:30)
- Carrying Firearms in Public Parks, Playgrounds, Civic Centers & Other Public Recreational Buildings & Grounds 31s (0:31)
- Guns on School Property (0:25)
- Firearms Transported or Stored in Vehicles at Public Post-Secondary Institutions (0:48)
- Carrying of Firearms by Employees of Public Higher Education Institutions (0:51)
- Carrying of Handguns at Private Schools (0:29)
- Possession of a Handgun while Under the Influence (0:46)
- Signage (0:20)
- Some Government Premises where Firearms may not be Allowed (0:21)
- Progress Quiz
- Using a Firearm Under TN Self Defense Law (0:28)
- Definitions (1:00)
- Phrases to Remember (0:36)
- TN Self Defense Law (0:45)
- Immunity Under Self Defense Law (0:40)
- When Defensive Force Cannot be Used (0:35)
- When Defensive Force Cannot be Used Pt. 2 (0:45)
- Self-Defense Summary (0:46)
- More Deadly Force . . . (0:50)
- Things to Consider (0:30)
- Judgment Considerations (0:20)
- Civil Remedies Unaffected (0:30)
- TN Law Regarding Forced Entry Into a Residence, Business, Dwelling or Vehicle (0:45)
- Be Aware That . . . (0:53)
- Defense of Third Person (0:35)
- Reckless Injury of Innocent Third Person (0:26)
- Phrases You Should Remember (0:17)
- Progress Quiz